boy, days just keep passing in a blink of an eye. its already chinese new year! before that was valentine's day and chinese new year celebrations in school!
i would like to thank everyone who gave me something on valentines! (: choir performed as usual on during cny celebrations so my hopes of ponning were dashed. oh well, there's always that wee little bit of hope isn't it? to my classmates: thanks for shouting 'chong en' yeah? hahaha. nobody calls me that! other than some choir jokers... haha. anyway, congrats xy for winning the 1st prize of talentime! you deserve it! hahaha. i've got a sneak preview of the trophy :p my cheap thrill! hahaha.
met up with some mco people and the touch ruggers after the celebrations. we decided to go bugis' billy bombers because julian had some vouchers. ate a one-for-one meal and the portions were huge as usual! was bloated after that. :x thereafter, we headed to this obscure place in bugis called haji street/lane/road or whatever. hadn't heard of that place before, but alee and julian had. hmm, i wonder why.. botiques and cafes occupying old shophouses lined both sides of the street/lane/road. some were high-end some weren't. there was this cool shop in which it looked like a replica from a mission impossible set. if you're streetsmart, you'll know the prices of the goods sold in the shop. haha. went home with a bad of purchases. contented? yes indeed.
oh yes, i became a member of this 'icon' shopping mall beside bugis junction. it was some lucky dip thing and i won 1 year of free membership. adeline got it too. haha.
there is no such thing as "fate". God gave all His children many wonderful gifts when He created us - high on the list being our FREEWILL.
the reason God has given us all this gift of Freewill is that He wants our Love, and Love, of course, can never be forced but must be given freely. puppets can't love, nor can we be "fated" to Love!
having Freewill means that we are completely free in the choices we make in our lives and thus are responsible for those choices and their consequences - up to and including our Salvation. using "fate" as an explanation for negative things in our lives and/or for the absence of positive things in our lives is a "cop-out" - like someone trying to say that he was "fated" to have alcohol/drug problems before being rescued by the Lord.
that being said, not having "true love", a "big car", a "big income", etc. are not necessarily bad things - Spiritually speaking. stuff like that can come between us and God.
just a thought. anyway, more photos of talentime! (: courtesy of marianne!